Liberating Time

Jonathan Robinson

Inventure Experience, Men's Inventure | May 2023

I’m still not entirely sure how to describe fully my Inventure with Julie, but what I do know is that the impact on my mind and soul was significant. The silence, the solitude, the beautiful landscapes, the sunrises and sunsets, the constant sound of rushing water, the crackle of the evening fire and the enormous expanse of the milky way formed part of the canvas on which my experiences took shape.

I loved the way Julie crafted our activities almost outside of time. We get so used to an agenda, a plan, a goal, an outcome that being told just to wander down a river towards a logical end was somewhat unnerving, so the mind shift just to be in the moment, take time with no boundaries and no plan was uncomfortable and liberating all at once, it’s incredible to see what happens as we remove the constraints of time. This gift of time has its challenges for me, I find being alone just me and my thoughts really hard, and yet the time spent with the beautiful journal Julie gifted us and a quiet riverbed, gave me incredible time to question, to reflect, to dream.

On our last evening, Julie took us on the most remarkable breathing journey, and it seemed that the earth was breathing with us. The clouds rolled in and out, the wind blew and then was totally still and then, as I lay there with tears rolling down my cheeks on the warm rocks, the sun came out and clothed us all in the most glorious warm light. It really was the most perfect way to complete my Inventure. It seemed in that moment I was able to experience a deep connection to the earth, something I find difficult to articulate.

I cannot express my gratitude to Julie for so expertly curating and guiding me on this most extraordinary experience. What an Inventure it was!